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Castle Acre Primary School

Wednesday 20th January

Good Morning!

Please start with practising your spellings and then use them correctly in a sentence.


Oral/ Mental Starter

Focus: Multiplication

Today we are going to practise our times table.

Click on the link

Choose timetables and click on a table that you need to practise.

Year 2 you need to be really secure and answer  2, 5, and 10 x quickly  before you try and move on.

Year 2

Today we are still going to focus upon creating equal groups but using grouping.

Click on the link below and watch the video.

Now complete Year 2 Challenge for all. Then try one of the 1,2 or 3 Star Challenges.

Year 3

Today our focus is  division which is the inverse of multiplication. We shall be using the method of partitioning or splitting the 2 digit number to help us divide. Click on the link below and watch the video. Pause the video a certain points to answer the questions.The video is linked to the 3 Star Challenge. A  short  video demonstrating how to divide using partitioning is also available to watch  on class dojo. There are 2 other challenges attached below which maybe more suitable for your child.


Warm up - adjectives.  Think of as many different adjectives as you can to write in each box.

Our focus today is adverbs.  Please have a look at the powerpoint on adverbs. These are words which describe a verb.

Eg I lifted the lid of the box.  Lifted is the verb. I can add an adverb to describe how I lifted it. E.g I slowly lifted the lid of the box.

Task 1: complete the sheet on adverbs.

Task 2: Adverbs challenge. These instructions are not very good. They are missing adverbs. Your challenge is to re-write them and add in adverbs. Also add in as much other detail as possible. Think about where someone might go wrong and make sure the instructions explains this.


Our science topic this half term is ' Healthy Living'. The children will :

  • find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air) 
  •    describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.

Today the children will be recapping what animals need to survive and then go on a 'Living Thing Scavenger Hunt'. 


Today in PE the children in school  shall be taking part in one of the Norfolk School Games Challenges- Personal Challenge and we would like you to take part as well. There are 3 activities to complete : Round the World, Catch  and Clap  and Tap Up Tennis. They are timed over 60 seconds. Certificates will be awarded depending upon your score- Bronze , Silver or Gold.The results will be sent into the organisers of the Challenges and then they will send the certificates out. Please post a photo and your score for each activity on class dojo by Wednesday 27th January. Looking forward to seeing your photos and your scores.