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Castle Acre Primary School

Wednesday 8th July


Spellings : 

Year 3

Click on the link and go to Spelling Rule 4 to find the list and the daily games

Year 2

Click on the link and go to Spelling Rule 33 to find the list and the daily games

English for all


Read the text and answer the questions

Matilda: All about Elephants  Year 3 3 Star Challenge

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :  All about Elephants Year 3 2 or 3 star challenge

The Witches : All about Elephants Year 2 3 Star Challenge

George’s Marvellous Medicine : All about Elephants Year 2 2 Star Challenge

Fantastic Mr Fox: All about Elephants Year 2 1 or 2 Star Challenge

Mental Maths

Practise your tables

Year 3 : Mixed time tables

Year 2 : x 2 x5 x10

Year 3 Lesson 3 Add and Subtract Mass

Click on the video link below and watch the video

Complete the Year 3 Lesson 3 sheet for all ‘ Add and Subtract Mass’

Extension: choose a Year 3 Add and Subtract extension Challenge with answers

Year 2 Lesson 3 ‘Time’

Click on the link below and watch the video

Complete the sheet for all ‘ O’clock and half past’

Extension: Look at Year 2 ‘Discussion Problem’ to solve

For a  further challenge click on the link below and choose a level to practise telling the time.

Choose a level you need to practise.


What is adaptation? Learn about how some animals have adapted to live in their environment by clicking on the link below.


Listen to Anansi and the pot of beans. Can you identify the message of each story?