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Castle Acre Primary School

Tuesday 3oth June



Practise your spellings 

Year 3 :Click on the link and go to Spelling Rule 17 to find the list and the next  game.

Year 2:Click on the link and go to Spelling Rule 32  to find the list and the next game.

English for all


Complete the Comprehension about David Attenborough attached below. Write the answers in your books in full proper sentences. You will be using some of this information tomorrow.

Matildas:Complete Year 3 3 star comprehension

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Complete Year 3 2 or 3 star Comprehension

The Witches: Complete Year 3 1 star comprehension or Year 2 3 Star Comprehension

George ‘s Marvellous Medicine :Complete  Year 2  2 star Comprehension

Fantastic Mr Fox :Complete Year 2 1 star Comprehension


Myth 'Why is the sea salty

Complete your story board for the myth 'Why is the sea salty?, Remember to include speech or thought  bubbles and colour your illustrations neatly. Also think about including fronted adverbials and a simile.


Mental maths

Year 3 focus on addition level 3 2 digit numbers. Try to set the timer for 10 secs or under

Year 2 focus addition level 2 2 digit numbers. Try to set the timer for 10 secs or under. 

Year 3

Lesson 2 : Recognise and describe 2D shapes

Click on the link below and watch the video.

Complete the Year 3 Lesson 2 sheet for all ‘Recognise and describe 2D shapes’

Extension : Choose a challenge from Year 3 Lesson 2   Extension task to complete.

Year 2

Lesson 2:Measure mass in kilograms

Click in the video link below and watch the video.

Complete Year 2  Lesson 2 sheet for all ‘Measure Mass in kilograms’

Choose a challenge from the Year 2 Lesson  2 Extension Task to complete.


Dance along with the video 'Under the Sea'

or try 

Under the sea yoga