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Castle Acre Primary School

Friday 15th May

Friday at last! Here is the work for the day - enjoy.


Today we are reinforcing the FRONTED ADVERBIAL work that you did Tuesday, as we aim do do x2 writing, x1 comprehension and x2 SPAG tasks each week.

1. if you need to double check how they work - look here

2. Use the WORD MAT below to build your sentences.

3. Open the the TASK sheet to choose your level of challenge.

4. Try the extension if you can - spot the fronted adverbials - 3 levels.



1st - some X table practise

Today we are continuing with our review of measures/scales - focussing upon  capacity/volume.

Supporting information can be found in your CGP math books, section 5, measurement.

1. 10 minutes of capacity/volume based games - litres and millilitres

year 2 =

year 3 =

2. As yesterday - choose your level of challenge from the sheets below.

3. Try the extension if you have time.


Linked to yesterday's rainbow poems, today I would like you to create a piece of rainbow INSPIRED art.

Lots of people have created rainbows to support the NHS, but I would like you to go further....perhaps create a 3d rainbow collage, use the colours of the rainbow to create a rainbow pattern, make a rainbow bracelet/necklace, make a rainbow mobile; the options are endless.  There are lots of ideas online - and there is a sheet below with ideas/examples to get you started.

You could even make a montage document or slide show - using images you find online, then cut/paste.

I am looking forward to seeing your creations.

Have a great day and a lovely weekend.