As a parent you are a very important member of our school community and we see you as partners in your child’s learning.
During the reception year, parents and carers are encouraged to contribute to their child's Learning Journey with activities the children have done at home. The reading diary is a valuable way of sharing information about children’s responses to their books and we encourage parents to write in this each time they share a book or hear their children read. Parents and carers are welcome into the Reception class each Friday morning (please check exact times with your school) to share their child’s learning experiences or hear their children read.
Homework varies in each class. Homework supports your children's learning and we focus on the areas of reading, spelling and mental maths which have the biggest impact on their learning in the classroom, although occasionally there will be longer term projects. Please see our homework page with advice on helping you child with their homework - alongside our expectations and our homework policy.
In school we formally meet with parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress in the Autumn and Spring term at parental consultations, and provide an annual written report in the summer term. This contains details of any end of Key Stage assessments or Key Stage Two assessments.
Teachers will also have informal contact with parents and carers, or arrange meetings as necessary. Parents and carers can also request meetings at other points of the year as sometimes there are queries or concerns and we ask that you see the class teacher in the first instance to help alleviate any worries. It is always best to share any anxieties, no matter how small. We are very willing to see parents and carers but please remember teachers are very busy preparing for the day in the morning for school, so it is best, unless urgent, to make an appointment for after school.
At the beginning of each school year we will ask all parents/carers to sign a Home School Agreement, which sets out how we share responsibility for the care and education of our pupils.
Parents and carers are also encouraged to let teachers know if there are family or other circumstances which may adversely affect the children in school e.g. change to family make up or the death of a relative or family pet.
To help seek parental views or ideas, a box for suggestions is also available by the pupil entrance and the Governing Body sends a questionnaire annually.
It is lovely if family members can help at school, either regularly in class or at special events or on trips. Relevant checks and induction will need to take place before helping in school.