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Narborough Primary Academy

Badger class visit pentney church

Badger Class 

This morning the children from Badger Class enjoyed learning all about the church, it’s renovation and the inhabitant bats!

We began our day learning about the history of Pentney church and its surrounding area.  The children were fascinated to hear all about the Narborough Brooches, now housed in the British museum, and the colony of Pentinelle bats who are living in the roof of the church.  We were told about how the renovation work has been postponed until September because the bats breed in summer and so whilst their pups are young the work must wait!

We then divided into our groups and started to carry out some investigations and craft work.  One group carried out a Mathematical task by estimating and then measuring the dimensions of the church outside and then inside to be able to calculate the thickness of the walls.  Another group used their inference and problem solving skills to find clues provided to learn more about the interior of the church and it’s features whilst the third group spent some time in the village hall completing a replica of the church stained glass window made out of tissue paper.

We all spent time on each activity and in the glorious sunshine everyone had a fantastic day!  Thank you to Mr Smith, Mrs Nairn and Mrs Foulkes for your hospitality and great activities.