Hello everybody!
As you know from Monday 15th June the previous home learning is going to change slightly. Instead of me setting the children in Squirrel class daily learning, there is going to be an ongoing Federation project for all year groups. In addition to the project work, each week there will be a daily Maths and Phonics activity. Those children that will be returning to school next week will also be working on the same project whilst they are in school. For more details of the project please see below.
5-week Animal Project For the next 5 weeks we are going to be working on an animal project. Mrs Neary thought that this would be a lovely way for the whole of the Federation to complete the last few weeks of this academic year. Each week there will be a different element that looks at different habitats or types of animals. These will build up week on week to create your overall project, which we would like you to bring into school when we return, so that we can share and celebrate the learning that you have been doing.
We will be covering all different areas of the curriculum during the weeks and providing links, videos and other useful resources and ideas. |
I will of course still be available on Class Dojo to answer any of your questions or concerns. I also look forward to seeing the project work you have been doing so please feel free to upload any work your child has been doing.
I hope you enjoy the project and have fun learning all about 'Animals'!
Miss Mitchell :-)