Over the spring term Oak Class have been looking at music from South America. The sessions, led by Miss Williams involved focusing on clapping rhythm patterns (ostinato) created by key words associated with South America. The children learnt to layer several different patterns.
They were then were introduced to the Samba instruments...Surdo, Agogo, Tambourim and Ganza. In groups, rhythm patterns for each instrument were invented and evaluated to see which worked and why. The children also learnt what a Parajnya (break) is and how to pick up the visual and audible cues for a new rhythm pattern. All this needed to be done whilst marching to the pulse, a crucial element in Samba!
For the final lesson of the spring term, parents were invited to come into school so that the class could perform as 'The Castle Acre Samba Band.' They did a brilliant job and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.