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Sporle Primary Academy

Illness and Administration of Medicines

Illness and Administration of Medicines

We all want to ensure strong attendance at school for all children. Children who are too ill to be in school need to stay at home; for example if they have a high temperature or feel too unwell to get out of bed.  However, if they are just a little 'under the weather' or you are unsure then send them into school and let the office team know. The staff will monitor the child and will give you a call if they need to come home. 

If your child does need to be off school, then please do telephone and let us know the reason for absence. You can leave a message on the phone answering system.  If your child has had a vomiting bug or diarrhoea then they must not return to school for 48 hours. 

Should your child become ill or have an accident during school we will contact you using the emergency contact numbers, so it is essential that these are kept up to date. In the event of a serious accident or illness we will contact you and if unable to do so, we will seek immediate medical advice.

We cannot administer any medicine unless it is prescribed by your child’s GP. If you wish us to administer any prescribed medicine, please complete the form below - it is also available from the school office. We can administer Calpol as per the instructions on the bottle if first authorised to do so by a Parent/Carer. This will be recorded on our form.  

Please inform the school if your child has any allergies, including asthma and provide a named inhaler as necessary. It is really important that inhalers are kept in date, so please check these regularly. 

If you have any medical concerns or need advice, please contact the school or your local surgery as soon as possible.