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Castle Acre Primary School

Friday 5th March


Spelling test. Ask your adult who is working with you to test you on your spellings. Post your score on dojo!


Mental/Oral Starter

Focus :Halving

Year 2: Focus on level 2 and 3

Year 3 :  Focus on level 3

Year 2

Today we will counting the number of faces in 3D shapes. You will need a piece of paper and pencil. Click on the video below.

Once you have finished complete the Year 2 Maths Challenge for all and then the further Year 2 Challenge.

Year 3

Today we shall be recognising right angles in 2 D shapes. You will need a pencil and paper .

Watch the video and answer the questions as you go along. Then complete the Year 3 Challenge for all. There are  further challenges if you wish to try one of them.


As World Book Week draws to a close today, please watch the following live video sessions.

Neal Layton at 11am on Friday 5 March, for Years 2, 3 and 4

Jo Empson at 1.30pm on Friday 5 March, for Years 1, 2 and 3

If you would like an additional activity, carrying on from your robot designs on Wednesday, today your challenge is to write a paragraph that describes your robot.  

Make sure you include:

1) what parts does it have?

2) adjectives for size eg colossal, tiny, long ...

3) adjectives for characteristics and shape eg strong, powerful, curved, round, thin ...

4) describe the colour and what it looks like eg shiny, gleaming, polished 

We hope you all have a restful and relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.