This term we are all undertaking a special new "maths meeting" to help improve the children's speed recall of key areas of maths. Our maths BIF!
You may be wondering what a BIF is?! This is short for "bite-size improvement focus"
Following on from a successful trial of extra daily math meetings at Narborough school, we have now decided to try our own version. Each day the children have an extra 15 minutes of fast paced math questions. They are designed to recap and review skills they should know, but might not use every day. This way we hope to embed such skills and enable the children to quickly recall how to approach a broad range of math topic areas.
Each class approaches their math meeting slightly differently - depending upon the age of the children. Most use a powerpoint or a prepared set of questions on the class white board. Some start with a song, others dive right in, writing their answers on a small whiteboard for their teacher to see when they are asked to show their answers.
This is designed to be additional to their daily math lesson, and can also be quickly adapted to cover areas of the math curriculum identified by the teacher as requiring extra practise.
Parents were invited into school for a launch meeting last half term - to explain how things work - and Woodpecker class came in to SHOW the parents how it worked in their class.
Soon parents will be invited into classes to see their own children undertaking this daily task and might even enjoy joining in!